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Summit-ul de la Helsinki (10, 11 decembrie 1999) marcheaza sfarsitul unei perioade de tranzitie in viata Uniunii Europene, de la o regiune integrata exclusiv din punct de vedere economic, cu o piata unica, la un organism politic care isi propune sa aiba propriile initiative de politica externa si securitate. Acest summit a schimbat si destinul Romaniei...


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The acceleration of EU's unification

Europe was the continent which built the first economical region of the world. An economic construction gradually raised up, the activity of which had increased over time. The first form of European co-operation is related to Jean Monnet who inspired the idea and to foreign ministry of France, Robert Schuman. It was named the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and was founded in 1950.

The Schuman plan referred to France and Germany that should sell their coal and steel under a common authority. These two products were to take advantage from the free movement between these two countries, regulating the Ruhr production level. European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was set up in 18 April 1950 in Paris, following the admission of Schuman Plan without reservation from Germany, Italy and Benelux Countries.


Among the fundamental targets of the new invented body is the one to keep the peace between France and Germany. The logic was the following: the founding of such a system will stimulate so much the exchanges between those two countries and the mutual investments so that the attack of one upon the other would become a nonsense. Therefore, on historical plan, ECSC played an essential role in determining the France-Germany reconciliation and co-operation process.
The new body represents the first European organization that has super national prerogatives. These confined for the beginning to the coal and steel administration. But ECSC launches the European model of integration which unlike others models is super national and sets up the foundation for the Communitary Europe.
In 25 March 1957, in Rome, the representatives of the same countries, which had joined to ECSC, sign the foundation treaty of the European Economic Community (EEC), known as the Treaty of Rome, enforced at 1 January 1958. 
The Treaty had as objective "the elimination of the barriers that divide Europe". On this occasion there been established new political concrete series on different fields:
- an industrial customs union, by excluding the intra-communitary customs taxes and abolishing the quantitative contingents;
- a common agricultural policy;
- a common trade policy;
- a competitional policy;
In several consequent stages, "the six" reduced the customs barriers within the Community, so that in June 1968 the intra-communitary tariffs was totally excluded at the same time with the freedom of persons movement. 
The economic effects happened in the same time were considered spectacular: the intra-communitary trade increases six times and the exchanges of CEE with third CEE countries three times. It takes place a training process especially in the goods field which increased the export economic and competitive performance of the goods in Community.

Jean Monnet & Robert Schuman


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